MEU Athens

Model European Union Athens will have its premier, as the first and only MEU simulation in Greece, in October 2019. With the support of BETA networks across Europe, we aim to provide a fulfilling experience to all international and local participants who will honor us with their presence at the inaugural edition of MEU Athens. The main idea of a MEU is based on the “hands-on” experience. Participants aged from 18 to 30 years old will have the chance to experience “how the European Union (EU) works”, by taking on the role of an European representative (either in the Council of the European Union or in the European Parliament), and thus have the chance to be actively involved in the creation of a legally binding text.

Although MEUs mainly focus on the EU’s policy making process, applicants of MEU simulations are not required to have a legal or Political Science background. Our dual purpose is to experimentally educate people from all academic fields, who are genuinely interested on how the decisions that affect us every day are made, and at the same time to create an embracing environment, where our participants will feel respected, heard and valued despite coming from various walks of life and having differing opinions. It’s perfectly okay to be different and in fact, we welcome and embrace it!

At the end of our MEU, we aim for each participant to feel enriched by this 4-day experience, not only because of the content itself but also because they would have felt united in their hearts and minds. After all, this is the motto of our association – United in Diversity we are, United in Diversity we stand. MEUs are truly the means for today’s youth to fulfill this and to empower themselves.
